Driving under the Influence (DUI) while in control of a motor vehicle is unlawful. (See NRS 484 C-Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or a Prohibited Substance). In Las Vegas, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.02 % for individuals under 21 years of age, 0.04 % for Commercial Drivers’ License (CDL) holders and 0.08% if one is over 21 years of age. DUI is a serious crime that can impact your life and result in the loss of employment, which will stay on your personal record for 7 years.  

We understand that a DUI charge can be extremely stressful as well as expensive. You can count on our team of experienced DUI attorneys to evaluate your case and offer the best strategies for resolving your legal troubles. We know to defend you!

Assault and Battery
Assault and Battery are two separate offenses that may merge into one. When you assault someone, you are putting that individual in apprehension of an imminent, harmful or offensive contact. In other words, just causing someone to fear that you will physically hurt them or offensively touch them is enough to be charged with assault.

Battery is willful and unlawful use of force on another and almost certainly carries more serious criminal consequences as with assault, the force applied can be as minimal as simply touching someone in an unwanted way. (See NRS 200.471, NRS 200.481)

Our attorneys have handled a lot of cases that involves assault and battery and we promise to give our all to defend you, your friends and family, you have nothing to be afraid of as long as our firm is on your side!
Bench warrants
A bench warrant is a warrant that is issued by a judge, as a result of your failure to follow specific court orders (NRS 179.320). It might be a simple offense but people often forget how serious this matter is. Once your violation goes into warrant status, you could be arrested or even thrown in jail if you do not take care of the warrant.

At Wang and associate, we can take care of your current and past warrants. If you have warrant or know someone who does, you should call (702)868-8248 and we will be more than happy to assist you and give you legal advice on how to get out of warrant status.
Domestic violence
“The term “domestic violence” includes felony or misdemeanor crimes committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction.” (NRS 200.485, NRS 200.481 and NRS 33.018)

Being charged with domestic violence can have very serious consequences especially for non-citizens. Our attorneys at Wang Associates will fight aggressively to the court to reduce your charges.  

To consult with our attorneys, call (702)868.8248
Possession and trafficking of control substance
Controlled substances are drugs and other materials whose possession and use the federal government has chosen to regulate. Possession of a controlled substance isn't necessarily a crime; for many substances, it's legal to possess and use them when done under certain circumstances, such as under a doctor's supervision or during scientific research. Possession and use become illegal, however, when no legal justification applies; or when the substance (such as heroin) has no legitimate use. There is a recreational exception for medicinal marijuana which was legalized as of Nov. 9, 2016 in some states including Nevada.

Whatever the circumstances on your case may be, having one of our attorney by your side can be reassuring and will put your mind at ease while we defend you and educate you on what needs to be done in case you get charged or accused of possession of trafficking of control substances. Wang and associates will be there from start to finish.